Friday, January 25, 2013

Found this this morning and couldn't resist posting it here! Credit.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Welcome to Planet Zibby

Man, Blogger has really changed since I started using it in the 8th grade. Before that, I was dependent on Xanga and FreeWebs to fulfill my blogging needs. I'm not sure I even knew what blogging was at that point, but I was doing it. I've been blogging in some form or another for nearly half my life, and keeping some sort of diary/journal for even longer. Needless to say, I am glad I'm finally going to receive tangible credit for writing down my thoughts!

Nowadays I am far less personal in my blogging. I prefer the micro-blog experience of tumblr and the rapid-fire information inundation that is Twitter. I post pictures on Instagram. I am a full-blown new media addict. And while the personal inevitably bleeds into the "professional" if you will, I feel that the blogs I currently keep are representations of Zibby The Brand, not just Zibby. I maintain a Wordpress blog entitled, Whiskey Kiss where I blog about the Portland music scene. Over the summer, I had an internship with the Portland Mercury where I blogged on occasion in addition to producing print content. And my gig working for the Lewis & Clark PR office found me writing news briefs for the school website (okay, so not really blogging, but I'm in the mood to brag).

I'm looking forward to using this space for reflection on how the things we learn in class are relevant to my life as a blogger, and "new media addict" (New-MEDIArite? Trying to coin a term). I think that my experiences as Editor-in-Chief of the Pioneer Log, writer for KLC's Umbrella, and devoted RHMS major will provide endless content for me to mull over. I do, after all, refer to myself as "Media Princess."